Unified Communications for Dummies

Unified Communications (UC) is a big buzz word in the world of communications and it’s getting more popular all the time. While UC means different things to different people, generally everyone agrees that it involves getting your communications tools-your office phone, mobile, e-mail, IM, etc.- all working together. Avaya has recently released an all new version of Small Business Unified Communications for Dummies. It’s a must-have resource. And it’s free.

We have lots of communications options available to us today, but the paradox is that we are sometimes harder to reach than ever. Unified Communications (UC) is designed to solve that problem. Instead of having your office phone, mobile, e-mail, IM etc. all separate, UC gets them working together. UC can be as simple and convenient as having all your incoming calls ring simultaneously on your office phone and mobile. But UC call also be much more sophisticated, letting you see the ‘presence’ of key contacts so you know if they are available and how best to reach them.

Avaya’s Small Business Unified Communications For Dummiesis filled with tips and insights on how you can use UC in your small business. What makes this book really helpful is that it’s not just about the technology itself (in fact, it’s specifically written for a nontechnical audience) but it’s more about what the impact of UC can be on your business in terms of lower overhead, more sales, better customer service, and more productivity. Click here for the PDF